hourglasses and me
Current mood: contemplative

I know I’m crazy – but tonight I had real and true confirmation.

We’re standing out back – waiting to put stuff onto the grill, and I practically choke on my frosty adult beverage….because I see this shiny, black, eight-legged body meandering about underneath the slight overhang on our porch floorboards.

Shiny. Black. Eight legs…….but it *can’t* be. It’s too big.

So we get closer to investigate. Hmmm….yes – there’s something red on the black.

But it’s too big. There’s simply no way.

But there is, my friends, there is.

A frantic drive to purchase bug spray later – and I’m standing there trying to gear myself up for the coup de grace.

And I do it. And I watch the other little multi-legged ones run screaming out of their hidey-holes because SHE lived among them.

And I sobbed like I haven’t been able to for months.

And I ran inside and atoned for my sins by sending beneficial insects to Africa or India via Heifer International.



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